Pastoral Care

Guidance and Counselling


Guidance refers to a range of learning experience, provided in a developmental sequence, which are designed to assist students to make choices about their lives and to make transitions consequence on these choices. These choices may be categorised into three separate but interlinked areas:

  • Personal and social
  • Educational
  • Career

Guidance provision in Scoil Mhuire involves a range of guidance activities and services.  Students are taught to research objective and factual data on education and training opportunities, occupations, labour market information etc. Assessment helps students to obtain a better self understanding through the use of psychometric tests and other inventories An integral part of the Guidance and Counselling Programme involves inviting guest speakers to the school, attending Open Days, Career Exhibitions etc.


Counselling, individual or group, is available to all students. Counselling issues may arise during education or guidance interviews and students may request further sessions. Counselling contract is usually 4-6 sessions. A small number of vulnerable students may require more sessions. When a student is coping with a bereavement, loss, serious accident etc. The supports in the school, including counselling, are outlined to the student and her parent/guardian.

A clear boundary is maintained so that counselling is not seen as a disciplinary measure.